Happy Trails Again

I got back to the trails yesterday after at least a year of not doing them. I remember now why I used to love to hike so much! I ran about 6.5 miles through South Mountain. Of course there were parts that I had to just hike because they were so steep. I probably ran about 80% of it. I gained about 959 feet in elevation, so my quads and calves were really feeling it today! Here’s a picture from my car of the trail I ran. It was a beautiful afternoon!!


Here is a map I doodled on showing the trails I ran. I took Javelina to Mormon Loop to National, back to Mormon Loop and back down Javelina.

South MountainMap

Today after PT, I did hot yoga at Sumits Yoga in Chandler. It was way hotter than I was used to, and very intense because of that. I felt my hamstring complain down the back of my leg during one of the poses. I was hoping it was just a little aggravation, but after my run tonight, I’m really not sure. I am going to take the next two work days to rest it and ice/heat it to hopefully rest it enough for my long run this weekend. Hamstring injuries are SO frustrating because any little aggravation could potentially put you back to where you were weeks ago. Back to yoga-it was a great class!! I have 9 more, and can’t wait to do it again! I just have to be conscious of the poses that push my hamstrings the wrong way.

I have a stack of printed recipes that I need to go through so I can continue to broaden my variety of meals I make for myself, and so I can post more recipes on here! The salads I have been making are really good, but they are getting old. My friend Kat put medium rare steak slices, dried cranberries, and quinoa on the salad she made for me, so I might get some flank steak this weekend and try that.

Do any of you do Pinterest? Do you find that you pin all sorts of awesome stuff, and never go back and look through it? I need to go through my Pinterest recipes, as well. You should find me and follow me! I’ll follow you, too.

Anyway, that’s what’s up with me today. Sorry I didn’t take more pics on my trail run! I was working so hard with the hills and trying not to eat dirt and fall on my face that pictures were the last thing on my mind! I promise to take more next time Smile.

I only have 24 hours of work in two days between me and my weekend! I hope you all have a great rest of your week!!

Happy Trails!



W Weekend


Random Weekend in Review Pics