I Survived The Mud!! Or what mud there was…

Ever been to a race in AZ where they run out of water at 2 of the 4 aid stations?? I have! It was called Rogue Runner and it was today! How do you seriously run out of water at aid stations of a 6 mile obstacle race in Arizona and just say “sorry.” Really? At one point, I was parched, and when I got to the first aid station with water at mile 3, I guzzled two large glasses. Best. Water. Ever.

Other than that issue, the race went fine! According to others racing, other similar races (Tough Mudder, Spartan, etc) are way better. I have nothing to compare it to, so I’ll just say it was fun! I would definitely do another mud run now. I am no longer scared of mud or water or climbing walls or anything of the sort. I actually made the last obstacle my bitch! I’ll show a picture of it at the end.

Here are Megan and I before:


Honestly, not my favorite picture of myself, but there were only two taken the entire race-so it is what it is. Posture, Stacey, posture. Work on it.

Here we are afterwards:


We are two badass little ladies, yes we are! We ran almost the entire thing! It was basically a hilly trail run with obstacles about every quarter mile or so. The mud component was actually very minimal. I have seen people much muddier than this at the end of a mud run!

Some of the obstacles they had were climbing a wall with pegs that slipped out if you weren’t careful, going over and under walls, climbing up a rope net to the top of a cliff, a balance beam up and down a wall, going through a huge dumpster full of water and swimming under the wooden dividers, a teeter totter where you ran up and then down the other side, and scooting across muddy wet ground under barbed wire. Oh, and there was the water slide. That was my favorite!!

The last obstacle was a really high wall with diagonal planks that you could run up to get to the top if you were lucky enough to make it up. Here are the pics I promised:



I walked my little self up the diagonal plank and grabbed onto a crack in the wall, grabbed the rope loop and pulled myself up with no help! Woo hoo! Once you were up there at the top, it was cake. Then we ran across the finish line and got these:


We also got really cute shirts!



One more medal to add to my growing collection!


Next medal you ask!?? The Kentucky Derby Festival Half Marathon!!!!!

Please take my advice and if you ever do one of these runs, wear sunscreen….


Whoopsie!! I kinda forgot about that part….I put some on for the drive home! (Riding topless can get ya burnt realllly fast!) Better late than never I guess….that’s going to hurt tomorrow….

So I would give this race a 6/10. I would’ve given it a 7 or 7.5 had it not been for them RUNNING OUT OF WATER!!!! I’m sure they’ll never hear the end of it from people,and will hopefully come better prepared to AZ next year.

What mud/obstacle course races have you done??

Would you recommend any particular one to do over others??

What’s your next race?

Happy Trails!



Remembering An Amazing Grandpa


Rogue Running