PT Update

I am still working with LaRissa and Garrett (and I saw Carrie Friday!) at Spooner to rehab my hips back to running shape. This process has been, and will continue to be, very slow. I am doing fantastic standing at work! I can’t tell you how good it feels to be able to stand for those long hours with minimal, if any pain at all! Usually if I get pain, it’s just a little bit of aggravation around one side’s proximal hamstring attachment (aka where my butt meets my hamstring.) It usually dissipates very quickly. 

The main area I am having trouble with is again, that attachment site and areas around it in both legs. My right hip joint has also been getting really stiff, and not wanting to have as much mobility and range of motion as it did. Dr. Guanche had to go through the hip capsule to get to the cam and pincer lesions (the impingement repair,) so it is quite normal for that tissue to be tight since scar tissue is trying to form. 

We are working on strengthening my glutes and core and getting the muscles and tendons to function normally again. They’ve been jacked up (for lack of a better, more perfectly descriptive term) for a long time, so it’s going to take awhile to fix the imbalances and overcompensation of the related muscles to the injury area. I also still get a tad bit of burning of the muscle up near the top of my right hamstring. It’s nowhere near where it was before I had the scar tissue removed from my sciatic nerve, so I can’t complain. I feel like I’ve made it to the second highest point of a mountain, and now I’m slowly climbing the last ascent that is not steep at all, but very gradual. I will get there! I believe it! I’m never quitting! (Thx Susan Loken and Steve Cooper for the mantras :-). )

I definitely have not stopped blogging about working out and running. It’s just not something I have the ability to take part in much right now. Don’t worry, you guys will be some of the first to know when I graduate to my first real run!! I’ll be sure to take a selfie while in tears, haha!!

When I went on my last Ellitigo ride a couple of weeks ago, I took this beautiful picture going down Pecos:

IMG 1110

I listen to music on my iPhone while I workout, so the phone was handy. I had one of those moments where I just stared into the distance and thought to myself “I live here.” It’s so easy to get caught up in life and its insanity, and forget to just stop and look at what’s right in front of you-to appreciate the beautiful things in life. I am thinking that hiking may be my next endeavor once I am able. I miss South Mountain, Camelback, and Squaw/Piestewa Peak so much!! The weather will be cooling off soon, too, and it will be absolutely perfect! We’ll see how soon I can graduate to that :-).

Thanks for stopping by to check out how my rehab is going! I hope you guys have an awesome Friday and weekend, and I’ll talk to you again soon!

Happy Trails,



Why I Love Fall


Get Ready With Me - Feminine Loose Curls